5th Laneway Project

Augmented Reality

The Gold Award Winner of the 2021 Australia Street Art Awards : Best Street Art Laneway

Art that brings the world around us to life.

Mackay Laneways Project-logo
monkey3media experiencing Augmented Reality with the community

The Mackay Laneway project was a creative initiative that started with a few local artists who wanted to give the 5th Lane in the Mackay City Centre a ‘make-over’, providing a once unloved space a new lease on life.

As the project grew so did the vision for what could be done in this space. The collaboration between art and technology grew from a meeting with the project manager Jodie Kearns (Connolly). The aim was to increase the foot traffic into the laneway and the city centre. With the use of Augmented Reality experiences I was able to provide a unique user interaction; one that would last beyond the intial launch night and that could also be changed over time so that visitors would have something to come back and see in the future.

Currently there are seven augmented pieces of art in the 5th Laneway that add another dimension to the art itself. Most of the animated Augmented Reality experiences were created in collaboration with the artists and with the final results being loved by many.

Below is some of the amazing artwork that was done by both local artists and guest artists that were brought in and offered some invaluable training and tips to the local artists.

Just a bunch of creatives with brushes, paint and a mission to colour-in large boring walls.

Try it for yourself. Scan the QR code on the image, point your phone at the image and see it come alive!

The video below showcases several of the Augmented Reality experiences, offering a virtual tour for those unable to visit Mackay in person. It also highlights some of the exceptional artwork featured in the laneway. This visual presentation allows viewers to appreciate both the innovative AR technology and the impressive artistic displays, even from afar.

Bluefaced Honey Eater - Scott Nagy | Major Mitchell - Brightsiders | Fish - Marissa Moore | Monitor lizard - Brightsiders | Platypus - Brightsiders | Turtle - Marissa Moore | Rainbow Lorikeet - Marissa Moore